TickerSrv – Timing service revamped

Mid 2014, I published a post about a timing service. You can read the post here.

Recently, I wanted to use this service for a client but the requirements meant that I had to refactor the code to be more robust.

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Creating model objects, the Angular way

As part of a requirement I was implementing, I needed to create a model object.
I wanted to do this ‘The Angular Way’ – non-intrusive, extensible and injectable.
AngularJS provides us with the means to create Services, Controllers and Directives, Model Objects are somewhat of a missing piece.

I was thinking of implementing this with a service but ran a quick Google search just to make sure I was on the right track.
I stumbled on a very good article, written by Gert Hengeveld on this subject.

I liked the approach and the explanations, A really good read in my opinion.
Here is the link.

Jasmine tests – expect().toThrow()

Suppose you have a service that you want to test.
And let’s also suppose that this service has a method that throws an Error under some scenario.

How would you test this?

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Timing service

Every once in a while, I find myself in need of a timing mechanism. Something that will handle timing and scheduling, and allow me to hook with a custom functionality every interval.

Some uses can be, for example, a clock counting down or simply showing the time passing by, polling the server back-end for new data, etc. Basically, anything that needs to happen every given interval.

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