TickerSrv – Timing service revamped

Mid 2014, I published a post about a timing service. You can read the post here.

Recently, I wanted to use this service for a client but the requirements meant that I had to refactor the code to be more robust.

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Linking 2 local projects, without the Ugh factor

When working on a large scale application, eventually you’ll want to break it down to one or more product sub projects that all depend on a common project.

This post will discuss how to work with 2 projects properly while still using bower to manage dependencies

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AngularJS integration with Maven

When working on large scale projects, java back-end code is usually being built using Apache Maven.
This is usually part of a larger framework in charge of project life cycle that is part of the Continuous Integration DevOps realm, either Hudson, Jenkins or something else.
In such a case, you’d want your AngularJS code to run grunt/gulp as part of the CI procedure as well.

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