AngularJS integration with Maven

When working on large scale projects, java back-end code is usually being built using Apache Maven.
This is usually part of a larger framework in charge of project life cycle that is part of the Continuous Integration DevOps realm, either Hudson, Jenkins or something else.
In such a case, you’d want your AngularJS code to run grunt/gulp as part of the CI procedure as well.

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Creating model objects, the Angular way

As part of a requirement I was implementing, I needed to create a model object.
I wanted to do this ‘The Angular Way’ – non-intrusive, extensible and injectable.
AngularJS provides us with the means to create Services, Controllers and Directives, Model Objects are somewhat of a missing piece.

I was thinking of implementing this with a service but ran a quick Google search just to make sure I was on the right track.
I stumbled on a very good article, written by Gert Hengeveld on this subject.

I liked the approach and the explanations, A really good read in my opinion.
Here is the link.