AngularJS integration with Maven

When working on large scale projects, java back-end code is usually being built using Apache Maven.
This is usually part of a larger framework in charge of project life cycle that is part of the Continuous Integration DevOps realm, either Hudson, Jenkins or something else.
In such a case, you’d want your AngularJS code to run grunt/gulp as part of the CI procedure as well.

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Creating model objects, the Angular way

As part of a requirement I was implementing, I needed to create a model object.
I wanted to do this ‘The Angular Way’ – non-intrusive, extensible and injectable.
AngularJS provides us with the means to create Services, Controllers and Directives, Model Objects are somewhat of a missing piece.

I was thinking of implementing this with a service but ran a quick Google search just to make sure I was on the right track.
I stumbled on a very good article, written by Gert Hengeveld on this subject.

I liked the approach and the explanations, A really good read in my opinion.
Here is the link.

Local storage Cache service

We all need access to the local storage every once in a while.
Usually it’s for locally storing state variables or data retrieved from the server that does not change throughout the life of the application.
It can save up some loading time on subsequent executions as well as reduce server load.

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Jasmine tests – expect().toThrow()

Suppose you have a service that you want to test.
And let’s also suppose that this service has a method that throws an Error under some scenario.

How would you test this?

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Timing service

Every once in a while, I find myself in need of a timing mechanism. Something that will handle timing and scheduling, and allow me to hook with a custom functionality every interval.

Some uses can be, for example, a clock counting down or simply showing the time passing by, polling the server back-end for new data, etc. Basically, anything that needs to happen every given interval.

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